• +852 2336 0611
  • +852 2336 3154
  • 130 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

School Crest

The Maryknoll School Crest symbolises the virtues a Maryknoller ought to uphold. The top section of the Crest comprises two lamps with a rose in between. The lamps remind us that "As one lamp lights another nor grows less, so nobleness enkindles nobleness". We thus have to treat others with kindness and respect, and others thereby will follow our example by being kind and respectful. The delicate rose is a symbol of Mary, Mother of Jesus. This reflects our special devotion to our beloved Mary, after whom our school is named.

The black and white section of the Crest is taken from the Dominican shield, for the Maryknoll Sisters are part of the Dominican order. While the white symbolises purity and truth, the black symbolises sacrifice. The two other colours of the Crest are blue and red. The blue stands for loyalty and the red for charity. All these are the virtues that every Maryknoller should possess.

The words "Sola Nobilitas Virtus" that are written at the bottom form our school motto. They mean Virtue Alone Ennobles.
