• +852 2336 0611
  • +852 2336 3154
  • 130 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

Parent Teacher Association

  1. Name
The name of the Association shall be "Maryknoll Convent School (Primary Section) Parent-Teacher Association"瑪利諾修院學校小學部家長教師會 (hereafter referred to as "the Association").

  2. Address

The address of the Association shall be 130 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon.

  3. Definitions

"Annual Membership Fee" means such sum as the Executive Committee shall from time to time prescribe payable in advance by each Ordinary Member covering a period of 12 months commencing on 1st September of each year;

"Committee Member" means a member of the Executive Committee duly elected or appointed in accordance with the terms of the Constitution;

"Constitution" means the constitution of the Association, as the same from time to time be amended or supplemented at a duly convened and held general meeting of the Association;

"Financial Year" means the financial year of the Association commencing on 1st of July of each calendar year and ending on 30th June of the following calendar year;

"Members" means the Ordinary Members, the Ex-Officio Members and the Honorary Members;

"the School" means Maryknoll Convent School (Primary Section);

"Term of Office" means the period during which a Committee Member shall serve on the Executive Committee commencing at the closing of a duly convened Annual General Meeting and ending at the closing of the next following duly convened Annual General Meeting of the Association.

  4. Aims
The aims of the Association shall be:-

A. To promote close liaison between the School and home so as to foster better cooperation amongst parents, the School administration and teachers.

B. To strengthen the communication channel amongst parents, teachers and the School.

C. To discuss matters of mutual concern in a common effort to improve the welfare of the pupils and of the School.

  5. Membership

A. Membership

(a) There shall be three categories of membership and the eligibility thereof shall be:-

(i) Ordinary Member
The parent or the legal guardian of each student currently enrolled in the School shall be eligible to become an Ordinary Member provided that, where a parent or a legal guardian has more than one child enrolled in the School, he shall only be eligible for one membership in the Association.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid, any serving Committee Member who was the parent or the legal guardian of a Primary Six student then enrolled in the School at the time he was elected, his membership shall coterminous with his Term of Office of Committee membership which shall be extended to the closing of the next Annual General Meeting.
(ii) Ex-Officio Member
The Supervisor, Principal, Vice Principal and all teachers of the School.
(iii) Honorary Member
Any person (including but not limited to Maryknoll sisters, former Supervisors, former Principals, former Vice Principals and former Chairpersons of the Association) who has contributed to the well being of the School or the Association may be invited by the Executive Committee to be an Honorary Member for such term as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine.
(b) Application for membership shall be made in such form as the Executive Committee of the Association may from time to time determine.

B. Membership Fees

(a) All Ordinary Members shall be obliged to pay the Annual Membership Fee upon becoming a member. Only the Ordinary Members who have paid the Annual Membership Fee shall have the right to vote and hence the rights stipulated in the Constitution. The Executive Committee shall have the right to from time to time revise the Annual Membership Fee.

(b) The following categories of Members shall be permanently exempted from paying the Annual Membership Fee:-

(i) Ex-Officio Members; and
(ii) Honorary Members.
(c) The Annual Membership Fee shall be paid in full by an Ordinary Member within 14 days of becoming a Member regardless of the time of his joining the Association.

(d) The Annual Membership Fee shall be paid in such manner as the Executive Committee shall from time to time prescribe.

(e) Each member, regardless of the number of his children studying at the School, only needs to pay one membership fee annually.

C. Rights and Obligations of Members

(a) All Ordinary Members shall have the rights:

(i) to attend the general meetings and activities of the Association;
(ii) to vote at the general meetings of the Association;
(iii) to elect, and to be elected as, Committee Member;
(iv) to propose and second any motion at general meetings; and
(v) as conferred in the Constitution.
Provided that each Ordinary Member, irrespective of the number of his children enrolled as pupils in the School shall be entitled to one vote only at all general meetings.
(b) All Ex-Officio Members shall have the rights:

(i) to attend the general meetings and activities of the Association;
(ii) to vote at the general meetings of the Association;
(iii) to elect Ordinary Members to be Committee Members;
(iv) to be appointed as Committee Member;
(v) to propose and second any motion at general meetings; and
(vi) as conferred in the Constitution.
Provided that each Ex-Officio Member shall be entitled to one vote only at all general meetings.
(c) All Honorary Members shall have the rights:

(i) to attend the general meetings and activities of the Association;
(ii) to vote at the general meetings of the Association;
(iii) to elect Ordinary Members to be Committee Members;
(iv) to propose and second any motion at general meetings; and
(v) as conferred in the Constitution.
(d) The rights and privileges of every member shall be personal, shall not be transferable by his own action or by operation of law, and shall cease upon his ceasing to be a member through whatever cause.

(e) All Members of the Association shall fulfill the following obligations:-

(i) to abide by the Constitution of the Association;
(ii) to abide by the resolutions of the general meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee; and
(iii) in the case of Ordinary Members, to pay the Annual Membership Fee.
(f) Any Ex-Officio Member who is also a parent or a legal guardian of a student(s) shall only exercise the rights as an Ex-officio Member and shall only have one vote at a general meeting.

(g) All paid membership fees are not transferable.

(h) No attempt shall be made by the Association to interfere with the policy of the School.

(i) Members are not allowed to use the name of the Association in any activities without the prior written approval of the Executive Committee.

D. The Association shall not refund any fees previously paid by any member to the Association.

E. Resignation and Disqualification of Members:-


(i) Any member may resign at anytime by giving written notice to the Executive Committee. Any resignation shall take effect on the day of receipt of that notice or at any later time specified in that notice; and, unless otherwise specified in that notice, the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Any resignation is without prejudice to any antecedent rights accrued to the parties prior to the resignation; and
(ii) If all children, who are students of the School, of an Ordinary Member withdraw from the School, his membership will automatically be cancelled.
(b) The membership of a member may be revoked by the Executive Committee at its sole and unfettered discretion if the Executive Committee is satisfied, on sufficient evidence being adduced, that:-

(i) he is in breach of the Constitution; or
(ii) he has acted in such way that the property of the Association is endangered or is jeopardized; or
(iii) he is found lunatic or becomes of unsound mind; or
(iv) he acts in a way that is prejudicial to or jeopardizes the reputation and/or the interest of the Association and/or the School; or
(v) he defaults in payment of any money due to the Association notwithstanding a reminder to pay having been sent to him.
(c) The relevant member shall have an opportunity of making his representation to the Executive Committee before the Executive Committee resolves to revoke his membership. However, the decision of the Executive Committee to revoke, once made after considering the representation (if any) of the member, shall be final and conclusive.

(d) Any member who, through whatever cause, ceases to be a member shall nevertheless remain liable to pay to the Association any money due and owing at the time of his ceasing to be a member. He shall return or cause to be returned to the Association all property and effects of or belonging to the Association which may then be in his possession or under his control. No refund of the Annual Membership Fee or any other fee or any part thereof shall be made by the Association to a member on termination of his membership for whatever reason.

  6. Structure

A. The General Meeting

(a) Subject to clause 6C below, the general meeting shall be the highest authority of the Association. The business of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee which may pay all such expenses incurred for or otherwise incidental to, the promotion, establishment and registration of the Association as it thinks fit. The Executive Committee may exercise all such powers of the Association, and do on behalf and/or in the name of the Association such acts as may be exercised and done by the Association, and as are not by the Constitution required to be exercised or done by the Association in general meeting.

(b) The Association shall each year hold an Annual General Meeting in addition to any other meetings. All general meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. Annual General Meetings shall be held at such time and place as the Executive Committee shall appoint. The Executive Committee may at any time resolve to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at such time and place as the Executive Committee shall determine.

(c) The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be :

(i) To approve or to amend the Constitution of the Association;
(ii) To examine and approve the Annual and Financial Report of the Association for the preceding year;
(iii) To appoint the Honorary Auditor and Honorary Legal Advisor of the Association nominated by the Executive Committee;
(iv) To note those Ex-Officio Members appointed as Committee Members;
(v) To elect Ordinary Members to be Committee Members; and
(vi) To transact any other business that the Executive Committee shall propose.
(d) The Honorary Secretary shall give each member a 14-days notice specifying the place, the date and the hour of the meeting, and in the case of special business the general nature of such business. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of such notice by, any member shall not invalidate any resolution passed, or proceeding conducted, at any meeting.

(e) No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to business. The quorum for all general meetings shall be not less than 30 Ordinary Members or one-tenth of the total number of Members whichever is the lesser, and present in person. A resolution put to the vote at any general meeting shall be decided by ballot of a majority of the Members present in person at general meetings save and except that a resolution shall be required to be passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the Members present in person for the following matters:-

(i) the amendment of the Constitution;
(ii) the removal of any Committee Member save and except the School Principal and Vice Principal; 
(iii) the dissolution of the Association.
(f) All resolutions passed at the general meetings shall not be inconsistent with the aims of the Association.

(g) If within half an hour of the time appointed for the holding of a general meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened on the requisition of Members, shall be dissolved. In any other cases the meeting shall stand adjourned. The adjourned meeting shall be convened within one month of the originally appointed date at such time and place as the Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall appoint with at least 14-days notice given by the Honorary Secretary. If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour of the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Members present in person shall constitute a quorum.

(h) The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall, on the written requisition of not less than 30 Ordinary Members, proceed duly to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association within 21 days from the day of receipt of the written requisition. The requisition must state all the objects of the meeting and must be signed by the requisitionists. Only matters pertaining to such objects shall be discussed at the meeting convened therefor. The requisite notice period for convening such Extraordinary General Meeting shall be 14 days.

B. Executive Committee


(i) The number of Committee Members shall not be less than 17 consisting of at least 9 Ordinary Members and at least 8 Ex-Officio Members and the number of Ordinary Members shall always be one more than the number of Ex-Officio Members;
(ii) The number of Committee Members to be elected and appointed shall be determined by the Executive Committee of each year; and
(iii) The Ex-Officio Members shall include the Principal and Vice Principal. The teacher members shall be appointed by the School prior to the Annual General Meeting. The School shall have the power to remove or appoint any Ex-Officio Member at its absolute discretion.
(b) The Committee Members shall elect, amongst themselves, the following office bearers:

(i) One Chairperson who shall be an Ordinary Member;
(ii) Two Vice-Chairpersons (of whom one shall be an Ordinary Member and one shall be the Principal);
(iii) Two Secretaries (2 Ordinary Members); and
(iv) Two Treasurers (1 Ordinary Member and Vice Principal).

Other designated committee posts include:
(i) Liaison Officers;
(ii) Recreation Officers;
(iii) General Affairs Officers; and
(iv) Academic Officers.
The composition of such posts is to be determined by the Executive Committee of each year.
(c) The Chairperson shall chair all meetings of the Executive Committee and general meetings provided that if the Chairperson shall for any reason be absent at any meeting of the Executive Committee or general meeting, any one of the Vice-Chairpersons shall be the chairperson of that meeting and further that if at any meeting of the Executive Committee or general meeting, none of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairpersons is present, the meeting shall be adjourned.

(d) The Executive Committee shall hold at least 3 meetings every year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Executive Committee unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business and continues to be present until the conclusion of the meeting. Not less than one half of the total number of Committee Members for the time being serving on the Executive Committee present in person and which must consist of not less than 4 Ex-Officio Members shall constitute a quorum. Resolutions passed during an Executive Committee meeting when quorum is not present shall not be valid. A resolution put to the vote at any Executive Committee meeting shall be decided by ballot of a majority of the Executive Committee Members present in person.

(e) All Committee Members shall retire at the expiration of the Term of Office and a retiring Committee Member shall be eligible for re-election provided that no Committee Member (save and except the Ex-Officio Members) shall hold office for more than 3 consecutive terms.

(f) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill a casual vacancy in the Executive Committee during a Term of Office provided that such vacancy shall be filled in the following manner:-

(i) where the vacancy was previously occupied by an Ordinary Member, such vacancy shall be filled with an Ordinary Member; and
(ii) where the vacancy was previously occupied by an Ex-Officio Member, such vacancy shall be filled with an Ex-Officio Member proposed by the School.
The Committee Member so appointed shall serve the unexpired portion of the Term of Office of his predecessor.

(i) The Supervisor and one representative from the Maryknoll sisters shall be advisors of the Executive Committee; and
(ii) The Executive Committee shall have the right to from time to time appoint suitably qualified persons to act as its advisors.
(h) The Executive Committee may, from time to time, appoint sub-committees consisting of such Members as they think fit, and may delegate any of its powers to any of such sub-committees and, from time to time, revoke any such delegation and discharge any of such sub-committees wholly or in part.

(i) In the case of an equality of votes in any meeting of the Executive Committee, the chairperson of that meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote in addition to the vote to which he is entitled as a Committee Member.

(j) The offices in the Executive Committee and sub-committees shall be honorary and shall not be entitled to any remuneration.

(k) The office of a Committee Member shall be ipso facto vacated if

(i) he ceases to be a member; or
(ii) he becomes of unsound mind; or
(iii) by notice in writing to the Association, he resigns his office; or
(iv) save and except the School Principal and Vice Principal, a resolution to remove him has been passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Committee Members present in person.
The Association may by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the Members present in person at a duly convened general meeting to remove any of the Committee Members who is not the School Principal or Vice Principal before the expiration of the Term of Office provided that at least 14 days before the date of the general meeting at which a resolution to remove a Committee Member is proposed, notice of such intended resolution setting forth full grounds and reasons is delivered to the Honorary Secretary of the Executive Committee and the Committee Member concerned. The Committee Member concerned shall have the right to make representation either in writing or in person at such general meeting. The decision of the Members at the general meeting as to the removal of the Committee Member concerned shall be final and conclusive. The vacancy shall be filled as a casual vacancy in accordance with the Constitution.
C. The School Management Committee shall have the right to veto any decision of the Association, if in the opinion of the Management Committee of the School such act jeopardizes the reputation, rights and interest of the School.

  7. Finance

A. Any fund, income and property of the Association, wheresoever derived, shall be applied solely towards its regular expenditures, activities and matters stipulated under its aims and the promotion of the aims of the Association as set forth in this Constitution.

B. The Honorary Treasurer shall report the financial situation of the Association at each Executive Committee's meeting.

C. The Executive Committee has the power to donate at its absolute discretion any sums from the Association's funds to the School for the purpose of granting scholarships or prizes, or otherwise in furtherance of the aims of the Association. The Executive Committee may decide from time to time a sum below which the School Principal shall have full authority to use and above which only the School Management Committee shall have the authority to decide how the sums granted shall be used. 

D. The Association shall keep a bank account or accounts with such licensed bank or banks in Hong Kong as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine. All cheques shall, until otherwise resolved by the Executive Committee, be signed by any two signatories comprising one Ordinary Member and one Ex-Officio Member, both of them must be one of the following office bearers of the Executive Committee: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer.

E. All donations and financial assistance of any kind to the Association shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and in case of non-acceptance the Executive Committee shall not be bound to tender any reason therefore.

F. Any fee paid or any fund donated to the Association shall not be refunded.

  8. Honorary Auditor
The Executive Committee has the right to nominate any suitably qualified person as the Honorary Auditor of the Association. The Honorary Auditor shall audit the income and expenditure account and balance sheet of the Association at least once in each Financial Year.

  9. Honorary Legal Advisor
The Executive Committee shall have the right to nominate any suitably qualified person as the Honorary Legal Advisor to the Association.

  10. Amendments to the Constitution/Dissolution of the Association
A. Any resolution to amend the Constitution of the Association shall only be valid if first approved by the Executive Committee and passed by over three-fourths of the Members present in person at a general meeting. The School Management Committee of the School shall be advised of the amendments immediately.

B. The Association may be dissolved only with the approval of over three-fourths of the Members present in person at a general meeting. If upon the dissolution of the Association there remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any assets or property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the Members of the Association, but shall be donated to the School.

  11. Gender
In this Constitution, if not inconsistent with the subject or context, words importing the singular number only shall include the plural number and vice versa, and words importing any gender shall include all genders.